American Cockroaches
The American cockroach is the largest species of house invading cockroach found in the U.S.; they have the potential to grow more than 3 inches in length, however, most grow to between 1 ½ and 2 inches in length. Both the female and male American roach are winged and can fly. American roaches are dark, reddish brown in color, with a lighter color outlining their body, but the American cockroach’s most unique feature is a yellowish colored figure-8 pattern found behind their head.

German Cockroaches
The German cockroach is the most common species of roach found invading homes and businesses in the United States. German cockroaches grow to between ½ and 5/8ths of an inch in length. Their flat bodies are light brown or tan in color and have two distinctive black stripes running horizontally down behind their head. They have an oval body shape- the female’s abdomen is wider than the males. German cockroaches have wings but rarely fly, instead, they run wherever they need to go.

Oriental Cockroaches
Oriental roaches, or “water bugs” as they are commonly referred, to grow to about 1 inch in length and have a smooth, shiny body that is black in color. The female has a wide body, while the male’s body is narrower in shape; neither is capable of flight. These roaches can also be identified by the foul, musty smell that they emit.
More Facts About Cockroaches
Where do cockroaches nest?
Oriental cockroaches are also called water bugs because they like to live and nest in dark, damp areas that are near water sources. Inside of homes they can be nesting in dark quiet areas that are located close to pipes and faucets like laundry rooms, basements, and crawl spaces. American roaches prefer to nest outside underneath of mulch, in trees, in flower beds, and inside of sewer systems. If they have found their way inside they will nest in kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. The German roach is very commonly found living inside of homes inside of cupboards and drawers, and behind appliances. They may also be found nesting under sinks in bathrooms, and in basements and laundry rooms.
Why do I have cockroach problem?
Cockroaches typically find their way inside through cracks in the foundation, underneath of exterior doors, and through spaces found around windows. They also can accidentally be introduced inside of homes through used appliances or furniture in addition to being brought inside of bags, boxes, or deliveries. They can even be brought in on the bottom of a shoe. Once inside roaches will make themselves at home, quickly multiply, and invade multiple areas of the home.
Are cockroaches dangerous?
Yes, cockroaches, no matter what the species, are dangerous to have living inside of your home. Cockroaches carry a very large number of viruses, bacteria, human pathogens, and parasites on their bodies and in their feces; which as they crawl throughout your home they will spread on plates, utensils, food, and food prep areas. The disease that they spread can cause diarrhea, dysentery, salmonella poisoning and other serious health concerns. Their shed skins and feces often trigger asthma attacks in people; especially in young children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems.
How do I get rid of cockroaches?
The first step to getting rid of a cockroach infestation is to be able to correctly identify which species of cockroach is invading your home. At Superior Pest Solutions, our professionals inspect your property to properly to accurately identify the pest and conditions that are attracting these bugs. Based on our findings, we’ll implement a plan of action that eliminates cockroaches. For cockroach control in Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and Gloucester counties, reach out to Superior Pest.
How do I prevent cockroach infestations?
Cockroaches can be a very difficult pest to prevent, but in addition to putting into place a professional cockroach control service, the following tips can help to prevent cockroaches from choosing your home and property to invade.
- Make sure door sweeps are installed on all exterior doors.
- Caulk any gaps found around windows and doors.
- Eliminate water sources like leaky pipes, faucets, and fixtures.
- Use air-conditioners or de-humidifiers to reduce humidity levels inside of your home.
- Store food in air-tight containers or in the refrigerator. Never leave food out on counters or tables.
- Quickly clean up spills and crumbs, regularly remove trash from your home.
- Routinely wash all dirty dishes. If dirty dishes need to be left for a period of time, leave them soaking in a sink of soapy water.
- Inspect packages and used items for cockroaches before bringing them into your home.
- If possible, do not purchase used furniture or appliances for your home.