What do bed bugs look like?

What a bed bug looks like is going to be dependent on their life-stage and whether or not they have recently consumed a blood meal. Bed bug eggs are the most difficult to spot stage of development, they are white in color, very tiny in size (head of a pin) and are sticky; eggs can usually only be identified by a trained professional. The bed bug nymph, while still tiny in size, is more easily identifiable than the egg stage, especially once their translucent body has turned bright red, after a recent feeding. Adult bed bugs are the stage of life that is easiest for people to discover and identify. Adult bed bugs:
- Grow to between 3/16th and ¼ of an inch in length.
- Before feeding their body is flat, oval in shape, and a brownish-red color.
- After feeding their body will swell, become more elongated, and turn a more purplish-red color.
Where do bed bugs hide?
Bed bugs feed on human blood, to meet their nutritional requirements, bed bugs like to stay in close proximity to their favorite food source. This means that bed bugs can be found hiding in almost any place that people are found. Homes, hotels, motels, libraries, airports, taxies, movie theaters, hospitals, and schools are just some examples of places where bed bugs live and hide. Bed bugs hide during the day and emerge at night to feed on the blood of their sleeping victims; because of this, the initial bed bug infestation typically develops in or near where people are found sleeping. Bed bugs will squeeze their flat bodies into the seams of mattresses and box springs, and in the cracks found in headboards, walls, and wooden furniture. Other places in a home where bed bugs can be found hiding include:
- Behind baseboards and underneath of floors
- Behind window trim and door trim
- In the seams of upholstered furniture
- Behind clocks and picture frames
- Behind wallpaper
- Inside of computers, keyboards, and other electronics
- Underneath of piles of dirty laundry
What are the signs of a bed bug problem?
Bed bugs typically leave behind many different calling cards that allow people to uncover their presence in their home. One of the most well-known ways to identify a bed bug infestation is by discovering bed bug bites on areas of the body that are exposed while sleeping (neck, arms, legs, face). However, this isn’t the most accurate identification method because the bites can take up to 14 days to appear and many people don’t react at all to bed bug bites. More accurate signs of bed bugs include finding piles of their exoskeletons underneath of mattresses and box springs, in drawers and closets, or on the floor. You may also discover dark streaks or dots of blood on mattresses, box springs, pillows cases, and linens. In addition, if a large infestation is present a sweet musty-like odor may be noticed in an otherwise clean room.
Are bed bug bites dangerous?
Bed bug bites, while unpleasant and uncomfortable, are not considered to be dangerous because bed bugs are not known to spread any diseases to people. But let’s face it, being covered in bed bug bites is nothing that should be experienced. Also, their bites are often very itchy, which can cause loss of sleep, and because of excessive scratching a secondary infection may occur that would require medical attention.
How do I get rid of bed bugs?
Bed bugs are very difficult pests to treat, all bed bugs living inside of your home need to be found and treated to prevent a re-infestation. At Superior Pest Solutions, our professionals can effectively treat for a bed bug infestation; beginning with performing a detailed inspection of your home with the help of our bed bug detection dog if needed. A trained bed bug dog’s nose can find bed bugs hiding in the smallest of spaces, bed bugs that a human inspector may have otherwise missed. After the inspection our professionals will perform a thermal remediation treatment, completely eliminating the bed bug infestation, and preventing their return. Contact Superior Pest Solutions today to learn more about our highly effective bed bug control solutions for New Jersey homes and businesses.
How can I prevent bed bugs?
Preventing bed bugs from hitchhiking their way into your home is a difficult task. Bed bugs do not discriminate. They don’t care if your home is big or small, dusty or spotless; all they care about is that a food source is present. To help prevent a bed bug infestation inside of your home we suggest the following bed bug prevention tips:
- Bed bugs are commonly picked up while traveling. After returning home from a trip make sure to immediately wash all clothing that was taken in hot water, followed by a high-heat spin in the dryer. Also, immediately vacuum out and sanitize all suitcases and bags that were used during the trip before storing back away.
- Bed bugs are found in most public places, because of these it is important to keep purses, bags, and coats up off of the ground of any public establishment.
- Routinely wash all outerwear that you and your family wear on a regular basis.
- If possible, do not purchase used furniture, mattresses, or box springs for your home.
- Routinely vacuum your home; if you have overnight guests, immediately vacuum the room they stayed in and wash all bedding.